Dear Claudine,
I work with the Heath Service Executive and recently requested access to my personal file. I am concerned that there might be reference to some dispute I had with one of my superiors two years ago. The dispute was resolved informally after we participated in Mediation. Despite my requests, I still have not received a copy of my personal file. Is there any action I can take to obtain a copy of my file?
Dear Conor,
Thank you very much for your e-mail. Under the Freedom of Information Act, 1997, employees are entitled to view their personal records. You should formally put a request in writing to the personal officer at your place of work that you are seeking access to your personal records under Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act and that you wish to view your file within twenty one days. It is important to note that the Act does not specify any particular time limit but, as you have obviously requested this information some time ago, you should now put a time limit on your request. If your request is still denied, you should apply to the Information Commissioner to take on your case on your behalf. This is the body who oversee the implementation of freedom of information. It is unlikely that your employers will fail to comply with an order of the Information Commissioner and you can rest assured that access to the file will be made available to you within a reasonable time frame.
I hope that the above is helpful to you.